Introduction to my.DNA


Welcome to my.DNA

We enable you to analyze your own DNA!

How is this possible?

Our group decided that we wanted to make a open source program so people can educate themselves about their DNA. Ater you do the genotyping you get raw data consists of SNPs and alleles that are associate with the SNPs.

Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)

SNPs is the abrevation for Single-nucleotide polymorphism. A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; /snɪp/; plural /snɪps/) is a substitution of a single nucleotide that occurs at a specific position in the genome, where each variation is present to some appreciable degree within a population (e.g. > 1%).

For example, at a specific base position in the human genome, the C nucleotide may appear in most individuals, but in a minority of individuals, the position is occupied by an A. This means that there is a SNP at this specific position, and the two possible nucleotide variations – C or A – are said to be alleles for this position.


An allele (/əˈliːl/) is a variant form of a given gene. Sometimes, different alleles can result in different observable phenotypic traits, such as different pigmentation. A notable example of this trait of color variation is Gregor Mendel’s discovery that the white and purple flower colors in pea plants were the result of “pure line” traits which could be used as a control for future experiments. However, most genetic variations result in little or no observable variation.


RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. RStudio is available in two formats: RStudio Desktop, where the program is run locally as a regular desktop application; and RStudio Server, which allows accessing RStudio using a web browser while it is running on a remote Linux server. RStudio Desktop and RStudio Server are both available in free and fee-based (commercial) editions. OS support depends on the format/edition of the IDE. Prepackaged distributions of RStudio Desktop are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

We made a program that compares your raw data after genotyping with a database with traits and disease using RStudio. This is how the code looks in RStudio:


“Wow, this blog allowed me to see that I am likely to get twins, which has been lifelong dream.” - Julia HT, 19

“Best invention since the light bulb!” - Thomas Edison, 172
